In extreme financial situations, most of the people especially the salaried individuals have to opt for loans. This is because the income earned is limited compared to the monthly expenses. So it becomes quite difficult for the person to arrange finances when some uncertain or unwanted expenses crop up. Keeping these problems in mind, lenders are offering Payday Loans. These loans assist the borrower to meet urgent needs without worrying about financial constraints.
These are short term loans under which a borrower can raise amount in the range of £100-£1500 for a period of 14- 31 days. To avail these loans, borrower must fulfill certain conditions laid down by the lenders. Borrower must be employed in a company for the past few months on a permanent basis. The income drawn should not be less than £1200. Along with it, a valid bank account number is required. Apart from these, the age of the borrower should be more than 18 years with a residential address where he has been staying for the last 6 months.
After verification of the details provided, lenders approve the amount in to the borrower’s bank account within a period of 24 hours. Moreover in the absence of collateral, the approval of the loan is fast. These loans are approved by lenders without any credit check. This makes it possible for borrowers with bad credit to avail these loans.
Since the amount is approved without any collateral for a short term period, lenders tend to charge a high rate of interest on the loans. But due to stiff competition among the lenders, borrower can obtain competitive rates on these loans.
These loans are offered by most of the lenders, but are the online lenders who offer these loans instantly. By simply filling an online application form with the necessary details borrower can access these loans. It is recommended to avail this loan which is offered by the lender at low rates.