No credit check unsecured loans are the loans given to borrowers at very short notices without checking the credit reports of borrowers and without taking any collateral from them. It is usually meant to fulfill borrowers’ urgent requirements.
No Credit Check Unsecured Loans UK
All of us do face critical situations in our daily life. One such condition is the urgent need of money. You might have observed that at time you may have sufficient savings in your bank but the situation does not permit to access your money for various reasons. A common experience is when you stay at city other than your hometown and you are in need of money. In this case you know your parents can give you money if you were in your home place but you don’t have sufficient time to visit your home and come back with money, say, may be because you can’t take leave. To help you out from such urgent situations, lenders devised a loan scheme, No Credit Check Unsecured Loan, which is meant to fulfill your urgent needs.
No credit check unsecured loans : WHY No Credit Check?
In case of no credit check unsecured loan, lender provides the borrower with the money based only on the information you provide in your loan application. Lenders do not verify your credit history to decide on your application-Why-because the credit record verification process takes time, which may dilute the very purpose of your applying for this loan. For example, if the verification process takes two days then in two days you could also have visited your home and come back along with money. Then what would be the need for such loan-Understanding this genuine problem of borrowers, lenders offer loan without going for credit check?
No credit check unsecured loans: Loan Amount & Rate of Interest
No credit check unsecured loan is the most risky loan for lenders, because, lenders do not verify your credit history, so they don’t know whether you would be actually in a position to pay the loan back. Lenders treat the information provided by you in the loan application form as correct. Therefore, in case of No credit check unsecured loans, lenders consider various factors before deciding on you’re application. The loan amount is fixed on the basis of your monthly income, your expenses, payment towards loan, if any etc.
Moreover, since no credit check unsecured loan is an unsecured loan, lenders do not take any of your asset as security against any future risk. To add further, lenders do not verify your credit history, therefore a No credit check unsecured loan is the most risky loan for lenders. To compensate for this most risky loan, lenders charge higher rate of interest, which makes it little costly for you compared to any credit check based loan or any secured loan. Similarly, payment duration is decided by considering various factors, the most important of which is your monthly paying capacity. After taking the loan, if you are not able to payback the loan within the decided period, you are required to pay a penalty interest. Now, since this loan already has high interest rate, a penalty will make it further costly for you. Therefore, you should plan your finances very carefully.
No credit check unsecured loans: Can You Borrow?
The eligibility for borrowing a no credit check unsecured loan varies from lender to lender. However, the most common requirement is that an applicant must be at least 18 years old and have a regular source of income either through a job or through self-employment. Having a checking bank account is another requirement. Some lenders require a minimum monthly salary or income and require that the checking account has been open for more than three months.